By Stadmin, posted on November 11, 2014 - י"ח חשון תשע"ה at 8:34 pm.

                 Our Shabaton was a great Success on Shabas Noach, 25th Oct, judging by the smiling faces and chatter of the 40 men and women who sat down at the Tables to take part in the Meal.

                Paul Smith worked hard and willingly to act as our Contact Point for all the enquiries and Bookings for our event, as well dealing with the Local Authority for a Licence to provide the Wines to the Meal.

                We began with a lovely Shabbas Morning Service, enhanced by the chazanos of Rabbi Michoel Levy, and when those who were going to take part in the Meal went upstairs to our Hall, they found it bright, warm,  and welcoming, with the tables beautifully set by Lee Anderson and her Ladies Guild.  We thank Leonard Landsberg for providing the Napkins, printed with the ShabasUK motif, and Daniel Anderson for providing matching Menus for all.

                  Rabbi Levy made the Kiddush and Motze, and gave a Torah Thought during the Meal, while R Michoel Levy led the several Zemiros and the Benching at the end.

                  Lee Anderson and the Guild had planned and provided a really delicious and well thought out Menu, with the Starters all waiting on the table at the beginning, the Servings were generous, and the bringing to table, and the clearing, were all done such that no Professional Caterer could posssibly have done it with a better touch. They did it magnificently.

                    The result was a Meal that everyone present seemed to enjoy, and a warm and happy Family atmosphere.    My sincere thanks to everyone who had a part in creating this Shabas event.

                      At the beginning of the Meal I tried to express my thoughts, as Chairmen, in this way..           

Rabbi Levy, Ladies & Gentlemen,

                 It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this Shabbas Table, & to this Shabbas Meal, that we are all sharing together.
              The Thought behind this particular Shabbas began last year in South Africa, & was taken up this year by our Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mervis.  It was the Thought of Achdus…the Unity…of each and every Member of the Jewish Family…whatever the way we live our everyday Lives.

               Our Bond…as an extended Family….is to recognise ourselves as Jews.   A central concept of that Bond is our recognition of One day out of the Seven…as Shabbas…. a Day that can be felt Different….a Day  that can be one of Menucha…Rest, and the enjoyment of each other.

              I hope that you all here today will enjoy the Meal….so beautifully put together by our Ladies Guild, and also that you will enjoy each others Company… and that the Menucha of Shabbas will surround you all.       


        I have some pictures of the Hall, the Tables, Menus And Settings… the one thing that I have to leave to the Viewers….     

 ……….is to fill in the Smiling Faces, Happy

Chatter…and wonderful Family feeling of the
