By info, posted on December 14, 2014 - כ"ב כסלו תשע"ה at 2:55 pm.


    Our Communal Celebration of the Chanuka Lighting for                        

                      the 6th Night  of Chanuka.

   We had a very healthy and happy response to the Invitation to our Palmers Green & Southgate Kehilla to come and celebrate Chanuka together, and the Lighting of the Candles for the 6th Night in our Hall.

            We began the afternoon at 3.30pm with the dovening of Mincha in the Hall.  This was followed by a Film following a Group, led by a Rabbi, who were exploring the History of the Jews that had lived in many areas of Greece since the Destruction of the First Temple.

             Chanuka is the Story of the rule of Greece in the areas of Israel, and of the Greek efforts to Hellenise the Jews they governed there, the harsh Decrees they inflicted, and our battles to survive them and continue our observance of our Torah Lives. 
              The film showed where, and how, Jews continued to live and survive in Greece itself over the many centuries.

          Towards night, Rabbi Levy light the Chanuka Candles, and all joined in the Brachos, Ha’naaros Hallaluh, and singing Maoz Tzur, with the Lights of the candles adding to the Lights of the Hall.

                 We enjoyed the fun of a Raffle, with Doughnuts, Cakes, Tea and Coffee so nicely presented and served by our Ladies Guild.  It may have been grey, damp and cold outside…but it was bright, warm and welcoming inside!

                       We look forward to more of the same coming together.

                                   Your Chair.














                 THE FOOD WAS DELICIOUS !!

