On Monday evening, Philip Hyman began an ambitious, double Lecture in our Shool Hall at 8pm on ”Jews in Music” The first half was on Chazans, & Chazonos, covering many, including Gershom Sirota, Mordecai Hershman, Richard Tucker, Leibele Waldman & Shalom Katz. The second half, after our Refreshment Interval & our Raffle, was on Jewish Composers, principally George & Ira Gershwin, both as biography, and their quite amazing music..
We were treated to the most bright, re-cleaned, versions of what were early Chazanos recordings, on the equipment that Philip had brought with him. The many pieces brought back many memories of Times Past, when these Chazons drew masses to the Shool Services at which they presided.
The Story of the Music of the Gershwins provided a most enjoyable contrast in the second session, as we were given many examples of what they had produced, including the Original Version of ”Rhapsody in Blue”, which showed a quite different side to Gershwin’s famous concept.
The whole evening spanned nearly 2 hours, and yet our audience sat enjoying every moment of this Musical evening, often clapping both Philip’s Presentation, & the Music. They even lingered on after it was over, to talk to him & each other. It was a very successful, as well as enjoyable evening. We all spoke about another like it in the Future.